Menu tabs on right to view relevant business/product. This site:
Email: Vic Bennett
  • Custom designs of software and hardware products.
  • Architecture development of system level solutions.
  • Diagnostic and resolutions of problematic legacy products.
  • Responsible for the design of more than a hundred of commercial products comprising
    • software (assemblers, compilers, parsers, simulators, OS applications, drivers, control systems, computational algorithms,...)
    • hardware (emulators, processors, routers and bridges, high security networks, database hardware, wireless/spread-spectrum products,...);
    with patents in most areas.
  • Typical languages: C, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, SQL, assembly, Verilog, VHDL
  • Responsible for the founding and technology of companies that have sold for as much as half a billion dollars.


Language processing

  • Adaptive process/language automaton. As part of the compilations, all possible backtracking sequences are pre-computed and merged with application specific operations. Executable as a DLL or for greater performance via a hardware implementation.
  • Search: less than 1 µsec to retrieve a match out of 64 billion. (2 µsec learn time per item)
  • Sorting: linear sort time of up to 64 billion items.
Visral L.P., Co-Founder
Cryptographic Communication:
The Visral Agent stands guard between the Internet and browser. As well as encrypting all communication from end to end (not just to the server), Visral validates the author and recipients that they are who they say they are.
Content is encrypted and secured on the Client’s own machine where it cannot be blocked from the user’s own access. And, no one can access it unless given the right. Visral itself is unable to access any of user’s messages or content.
  1. When an Agent connects with a Community it begins by contacting the Welcome website. There it identifies itself and retrieves an IP address, relevant ports numbers, a magic signing expression, and a public RSA signature, all of which are required for connecting to a Controller. It leaves behind its source IP address for further security processing.
  2. The Agent then connects to the Controller and utilizes a dynamically changing RSA 2048 based protocol to establish its identity and validate the identity of the Controller. (During the Agent registration process, a RSA 4096 signature is used.)
  3. The Controller establishes a unique AES 256 encrypted channel with the Agent and provides a URL for the transfer server associated with the selected Community. If this secure channel is in use for an extended amount of time, a process is triggered to re-establish the connection with a new AES key by re-entering step 2.
To log into the agent, enter the password (passphrase) and click LOG IN. The magnifier to the left allow the password to be displayed as it is typed.
With sufficient traffic, meta-data tracking is near impossible due to the lack of correlation between incoming and outgoing messages, sessions lasting less than a second, and arbitrary exchange locations.
Registering an Account with a Community
  • Super Agent fills out the Create Account menu for the new employee. Pushing the Register button causes an encrypted descriptor to be sent to the appropriate Controller, which in turn adds the employee to its database and issue an invitation email with an Authorization Code.
  • The employee receives invitation email and using Community Authorization Code completes filling in the Join Community menu. The employee’s Agent communicates with the Controller to complete the validation of the account.